Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ten Best Practices for Online Educators

Hello fellow ADLT 640 students!

Ten Best Practices for Teaching Online Quick Guide for New Online Faculty 

by J. V. Boettcher, Ph.D.

I found this article that provides 10 tips for online educators.  It seems to be an excellent synopsis of what we will be talking about this summer.  Several of the author’s comments caught my attention.  Specifically suggestions for building an online community – which prior to this class I had never really understood as vital to the online learning process.  Another was the author’s suggestion for using Socratic type questioning.  Socratic questioning is a metacognition activity that I believe models reflective practice.  It interests me because I believe nurses need to become better reflective practioners in order to increase the critical thinking skills that are vital in clinical venues.  I hope you like the tips as much as I did!


  1. Hey Linda! These tips are awesome! Most of them seem to apply to the principle need in any interaction - communication, communication, communication! I also liked Practice 8 which mentions that resources must be digital (sad but true) and Practice 9 that references learning in context.
    Thanks for this resource!
